Tuesday, May 10, 2011


How to have good luck?
When I go back to 45 years ago, it seems that the biggest
factor for all of my successes as a student, diplomat, or businessman
has been anything else but good luck. When Napoleon was asked whether
he prefers his army commanders to be brave or acute, he answered none
of them, I prefer them to have good luck.
The question is here that how to have good luck?
1- Be adventurous but do not bet on all your assets and liabilities.
The reason for all my successes have been because I have had
the morale of accepting risk. I left the comfort of education in the
university of my city and went abroad to study. I opposed my boss for
a case which was really important to me. I resigned and created my own
business. I lend some money against a small collateral and an
unlimited similar cases. These were cases which had the most rewards.
But in all of them I could afford the failure results. Surely, I was
not supposed to be banished to Alb island, if I fail; but all of the
aspects of this matter should be considered. Although I always do not
plan a detailed schedule, but often I obey my inner feeling; in any
condition I do something that I know I can afford its possible

2- Start your job by trusting in people
You cannot achieve anything by yourself. You can achieve your
goals just by help of people. These people include your friends,
family, colleagues, bosses and employees, vendors and customers. If
you substantially are skeptical or like to do all of the jobs alone,
it is improbable for you to be lucky, because usually, luck comes on
your way by people.

3- Play by your powerful forces
Identify your strengths and apply them. Also, identify your
weaknesses and prevent from any obligation for using them. Prevent to
pretend having any powers you do not have. You can increase your power
and ability and master your weaknesses. But before anything, you must
well identify your skills, talents, knowledge, and relations and use
them anytime you can. This job increases the likeliness of having good

4- Give out more than you take in
If you want to enter good luck people into your program, be
prepared to give. You should take action for people without
expectancy. My experiences have always shown that this old idiom
"sowing and reaping" is a reality. Be sure that what you have given;
monetary or moral, will come back to you in the most unexpected
situation and solves a problem of yours.
5- Become fit and healthy and keep this state
Fit and healthy does not mean just the physical viewpoint. I
mean body, mental, and spiritual hygiene and health. Eat food rightly
and be active. Study and learn in every age and situation. Think
positive. Understand that everything is not always necessarily as you
wish. But if you believe that success is possible, you will triumph
even in difficult situations. At night and any time you are tired,
never think about main and hard problems. Health and energy will bring
with themselves luck and give you the required power for confronting

6- Obtain skill in establishing relationship and information science
You should be able to tell other people well that who you are
and what you want. Work on your verbal skills. I mean the manner of
usage of words, the way of speaking, writing, and stating concepts
clear, with a simple saying but strong. If you have time, learn
another language, too. Knowing some different languages had good
chances for me and increased my job facilities. Remember that in the
global village, the importance of language will never diminish.

7- Move in your real job and industry
An accountant can be well aware of economic programs, different
tables of profit and loss and so on, and do his/her job well but he/
she is unlikely to change his/her job and become a good shoemaker. Any
startup, company, and transaction is based on an industry, a
scientific field or a particular experience. Stay true on your
Hyppocrates swear in your desired field. In this case the other people
will be notified that you are really skillful and effective in your
profession and you will be good luck. Engage in these habits and give
the luck the opportunity to come toward you. The sooner, the better.

You can paying $ 1 Account by children 50 orphans a chance to try
their spending this money, clothing and food and education the child
is 50. The 50 children bring luck to you. Do not believe?
The first time I did not believe it but I thought his $ 1 Agrshans did
not much value in return helped the children orphans. I paid the
money. I was unbelievable. After week.I was WINNING $ 10,000
I like try your luck. No harm. If you're unable to pay this money, you
can send this email to 7person (family or friends and fellow
tradesman or classmate and wait for a week stay and see your luck .

you can pay $ 1 via this account in below
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Card Number: 4322380500184121
Bank name : Abu Dhabi's Al-Watan

Or via alertpay account below

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